How to Pass a Drug Test with Jello and Water: Does This Even Work?

There seems to be a popular rumor online that drinking powered jello with water will help you pass a drug test.

The idea that a simple remedy like this will work is enticing to say the least. And why not? Maybe the logic adds up right?

After all, there are a lot of articles online claiming this method works.

So we wanted to put it to the test ourselves. We did our own in-depth research into the science behind this method to see if it stacks up or if its just another scam. We have reported our findings below.

Verdict: This method DOES NOT WORK. 

Note: We do not recommend trying this method. Drug testing has come a long way in the last few years, and there is no way this will work. Please do not bet your whole future on a dubious hack like this. 

Below I have included the full run-down on the logic behind this method and why it won’t work. 

The Jello & Water Concept in a Nutshell

The idea is that fruit pectin found in gelatin will remove THC metabolites from your fat cells. At least that’s what people claim. 

I could find no scientific evidence to back up this claim. 

In fact, here is a message I found from someone who tried this method: 

The Water May Dilute Your Urine

The only part that may help with this method is actually the water. Drinking a lot of water before a drug test can dilute the urine enough to show reduced THC levels. 

However, testing labs can pick this up, and some employers may require you to retake a drug test that is too diluted. Although in some states, employers are required to accept a drug test no matter how diluted it is. 

So basically – sculling a bunch of water will work just as well as using jello. 

However, drinking lots of water is not reliable, and I wouldn’t advise that either. There is still a good chance of the THC being detected. 

What’s more, the lab will flag the urine dilution levels, which will cast suspicion on you. Not a great way to start a new job. 

How to Actually Pass an Upcoming Drug Test

The best way to pass a drug test is to detox properly beforehand. If you have at least 30 days warning, just simply stop using (I know, easier said than done – if you need some help getting off addiction, please check out the resources at SAMHSA and get into a good program). 

If you only have a week or two, you need something to help flush the toxins from your system faster, as THC takes 30 days to leave the system entirely. 

In this case, I would recommend checking out a detox product such as Toxin Rid (see our review here). It simply speeds up the detox process by flushing toxins from your system. 

The great thing is, they have different options depending on how much notice you have before your upcoming drug test. I recommend their 10-day option if you have the time, but if you only have a few days, their 3-day product is great too. 

Final Thoughts

You’ve probably found a bunch of websites giving you step-by-step instructions on how to use jello and water to pass a drug test. There’s a lot of irresponsible information, and none is true. Please do not rely on it. 

Instead, do it the old fashion way. Get clean and detox properly. You can find a great resource below to get you started. 

If you need help dealing with addiction, check out the SAMHSA website for plenty of free resources and to begin your recovery journey.


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